Anjuman New Hospital Building is under construction. Alhamdulillah    |Anjuman New Hospital Building is under construction. Alhamdulillah     |Anjuman New Hospital Building is under construction. Alhamdulillah

Anjuman e nusratul Muslimin - Tankaria


‘Anjuman’ was established on 10 July 1984. It so happened that after the death of a poor man in the village, due to poverty, arrangements for his burial had to be made by selling the utensils of the house. Seeing this situation, the hearts of the village ulama (Islamic scholars) were filled with a kind of guilt and shame, so they immediately got together and, after consultation, established an organisation and named it “Anjuman-e-Nusratul Muslimeen, Tankaria” with the purpose of avoiding such situations in the future by helping the poor people in times of need.

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The main objectives of the organisation are:

(1) To provide quality medical care with accurate diagnosis to the patients of Tankaria and the surrounding villages.

(2) To strive to enhance the quality of lives with regard to health by providing preventive health care.

(3) To help all the people of the society in general, especially the poor and needy, during today’s age of inflation, without discrimination of caste or of any other kind, with their medical needs such as diagnostics, medicines, operations, etc., and in every other way possible.

(4) To provide medical services at a very reduced and affordable rate.

Alhamdulillah! Today thousands of people are benefitting from these services.

How Can you Help the Hospital

You can be helpful in the building of the hospital in the following ways:

  • By taking care of the expenses of one department.
  • By giving and asking others to give Lillah donation.
  • By bearing the cost of any of the hospital’s works.
  • By taking part in construction and other works.
  • By donating and encouraging others to donate a small amount of money every month from your salaries.
  • By donating for the construction cost of one or more rooms.
  • By providing construction materials such as sand, cement, gravel, steel, etc.
  • By spending the amount of your Zakat, Sadaqah, etc., on medicines, operations, etc., for the poor sick people.
  • By spreading a positive word about the hospital, giving useful advice, and making duaas for the success of the project.