A look at the history of ‘Anjuman’

‘Anjuman’ was established on 10 July 1984. It so happened that after the death of a poor man in the village, due to poverty, arrangements for his burial had to be made by selling the utensils of the house. Seeing this situation, the hearts of the village ulama (Islamic scholars) were filled with a kind of guilt and shame, so they immediately got together and, after consultation, established an organisation and named it “Anjuman-e-Nusratul Muslimeen, Tankaria” with the purpose of avoiding such situations in the future by helping the poor people in times of need. Since then, during a long period of 37 years, ‘Anjuman’ has devoted itself to doing various works of public service for the people of Tankaria and the surrounding villages, and is still working hard with all possible care and sincerity. Alhamdulillah.

Set up for the benefit of the poor and all the people of the society, and for the purpose of helping all the people in medical matters, “Anjuman-e-Nusratul Muslimeen, Tankaria” has been successful in its noble objectives so far and has achieved a leading position in the field of medical services since 2002. The people of Tankaria and surrounding 25 to 30 villages are still benefiting from this organisation and Insha Allah will continue to take advantage of this organisation in the future. After starting with a small outdoor OPD, today the ‘Anjuman’ is moving forward to serve the community with its large complex and as part of that complex work is currently underway on the project of a big purpose built hospital. For this work, Alhamdulillah, the kind-hearted donors are helping us with their generous donations while the well wishers of the organisation are lending a helping hand to enable us to complete the project in the anticipated time. May Allah inspire everyone to help by being at the forefront of this noble work of service to mankind and make it the means of earning Allah’s pleasure. Ameen.

Anjuman’ Public Hospital Appeal

A hospital where everything is taken care of is very important for our people. There is a shortage of doctors and staff in government hospitals, many medicines and laboratories are expensive, there is a lack of low-cost facilities for clean and normal delivery for women, there are non-essential operations, and the treatment in private hospitals is expensive since even the regular operations cost thousands of rupees. Considering all these factors, the need for a public hospital of our own that provides affordable medical care and facilities, increases manifold.

As mentioned earlier, Tankaria village is the largest populated village in Bharuch Taluka, which is like a town for the surrounding villages. At present, the hospital is running in two small houses. Keeping in view the current situation in terms of the increasing medical needs of our people and the rising inflation in the medical sector, etc., ‘Anjuman’ has started to build a big hospital by purchasing eight and a half bighas of land on Parkhet Road in Tankaria village, which is about one and a half kilometres away from Tankaria towards Parkhet Bharuch Road.

The construction of the hospital has already begun. We humbly appeal to all of you to come forward and join hands with us in this noble work of Khidmat-e-Khalq by providing financial support and by talking, walking, giving, and encouraging others to donate to help us to achieve our objective in any way you can. This is a beautiful opportunity, not to be missed, to get close to Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala and deposit the good deeds in the bank of the Hereafter.

You can be helpful in the building of the hospital in the following ways:

  • By taking care of the expenses of one department.
  • By giving and asking others to give Lillah donation.
  • By bearing the cost of any of the hospital’s works.
  • By taking part in construction and other works.
  • By donating and encouraging others to donate a small amount of money every month from your salaries.
  • By donating for the construction cost of one or more rooms.
  • By providing construction materials such as sand, cement, gravel, steel, etc.
  • By spending the amount of your Zakat, Sadaqah, etc., on medicines, operations, etc., for the poor sick people.
  • By spreading a positive word about the hospital, giving useful advice, and making duaas for the success of the project.
